
Club Sponsors

Travelling Man

We feel passionate about comic books, boardgames and RPGs and we want you to feel the same. Our goal is to get everyone in the world to love at least one comic or game. We want to let the uneducated know that they’re not just for kids.


Want to sponsor the club?

The best way of starting is to get in touch with our team, e-mail sponsors@yorkgarrison.co.uk to find out more.

We’ve outlined the benefits, the way you can support us and the rules for sponsors to give you some ideas!

Benefits of Sponsorship

Sponsorship of York Garrison Wargaming Club will provide you with the following benefits:

  • An advert on the Sponsors page of the website, including company logo and description
  • A banner advert on the Forum area of the website
  • A dedicated sub-section of the Forum that you can use to promote your business and products
  • A “Sponsor” badge added to your Forum user account to clearly identify you as a supporter of the club

Supporting The Club

Whilst we do not require any sort of direct financial contribution to be made to the club we would expect to see some support to be provided.

Examples of benefits that can be provided to the club:

  • Discount codes provided to members
  • Support provided for organised tournaments/events
  • Special offers on new products


All of the rules listed below must be adhered to at all times. Failure to abide by the rules may result in immediate termination of the Sponsorship agreement and banning from use of the Forum.

  • All standard Forum rules must be followed at all times.
  • All selling and promotion of your business must be contained within the dedicated Forum section. The exception to this is that you may answer questions posed directly to you in other areas of the Forum.
  • Please refrain from criticism of any other club Sponsor or business. We do not wish to disuade potential future Sponsors from assisting the club because they have seen their company name being directly commented on by existing Sponsors.
  • All commercial discussions between each Sponsor and the club should be treated as given in confidence.

This list is not exhaustive and can be altered by the Club at any time, Sponsors will be informed of alterations made to these rules and can choose to terminate their Sponsorship if they do not agree with the changes.

Get In Touch

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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